第二条路线是面板路线。 面板属性有哪些? 它们是遗物套装和远古传奇系列套装。 最快获得的是圣物套装。 86版石猴剑圣中,有舍利套装剑主、假猪剑主和舍利剑主。 那个时候,他们能够造成过亿的伤害,这已经是相当惊人了。 面板包括四个维度、破防伤害、三种速率(施法、连接、力量攻击)等。面板武器也是塑造角色最快的,而且价格非常昂贵。 90件圣物基本上每件都要花费几百万、几千万。 我推荐 85 个古代传说或 90 个艾肯传说,搭配超凡脱俗的套装。
第二条路线是极限武器。 新手不要加入,因为它需要大量的投资,所以你理解。 所谓极限武器,就是指单一属性的叠加和单一属性的强化。 比如单个属性的堆叠。 SS高尔夫球手的头部和肩膀增加了400多智力,是一个可以叠加智力的武器。 如果集齐了所有最高智力装备,后期还可以获得臂章。 商人(贝洛附近)有所有武器、臂章、智力、施法、最大MP、MP恢复、魔法攻击、魔法防御破率的槽位。 您还可以购买铂金臂章。 每件武器都会强化10级以上。从拍卖行订购情报球和盔甲,拥有满级冒险团、满级公会、年份设定称号、盔甲情报,还可以去NPC在黑暗之城增加异次元红色字母的速度。 In this way, your intelligence can be piled up to at least 6,000 and the damage will be hundreds. 100 million is not a dream! But I don't know how many billions of game coins you have to invest.
Similar heap attributes can also be enhanced with heap extreme attributes. DNF has four attributes: ice, fire, light and darkness. You can choose one attribute to strengthen. It can be said that attribute enhancement is as powerful as the extreme attribute. How to stack attribute strength on Baidu? The stacking attribute strength is the same as the previous floor. Try to choose as many attributes as possible to strengthen. 。 Attribute enhancement is also a weapon route that can cause explosive damage, and carefully choose the attributes you want to stack. The current mainstream versions are light and fire.
When playing in another world, remember to pile up the anti-magic value high. You can find and replace any weapons from other worlds. Pile them up to resist magic, and then you can go to the other world. Gradually do it to ward off evil spirits and retreat spirits. Remember that it is to ward off evil spirits and retreat spirits, not to ward off evil spirits and retreat. If you do something wrong, it will be too late to regret it.